Custom domain verification troubles

Good morning!

Help me please with creating and verification of custom domain.

I wanted to use a custom domain for my application.

I created a CNAME record for the DNS server of the application.

I started creating a custom domain in the Auth0 service, on the verification page (you can see in the screenshot), I entered a custom domain, a value was generated that I inserted into my application server DNS settings. But no verification happens. More than 48 hours have passed. Perhaps I am doing something wrong? Please help me solve this problem.


You can use the “dig” tool to help you debug (or any DNS retriever).

Just dig the CNAME record for your domain and make sure it is what Auth0 is expecting.


did you solve it
I am facing the same pb
I added a record in my custom domain and when verifying with other tools,
things seems to work , however when I am trying to use auth0. i still pending for verification


I am facing the same issue. Is there any solution to this problem?

Problem: verification of a custom domain. (It’s been a long, long wait.)

The CNAME record is verified by Google’s dig & by a dig on my PC.

Next steps to troubleshooting why the Auth0 custom-name verification is not verifying? And to get the custom name performing as it should?