Custom domain not being verified?

It’s possible I’m being impatient here, but since my domain is proxied by Cloudflare, DNS changes normally show up instantly, and it’s been a few hours now.

I’ve added the following to my Cloudflare domain DNS. Suppose my domain is, I’ve added:

  • Record type: CNAME
  • Name: auth (I put but CF truncates this on save to just auth)
  • Content: dev-**************

Did I do anything wrong, or is it just a question of waiting?

Also, will my Auth0-generated domain continue to work while I’m trying to set this up? My app is currently configured the Auth0 domain - we’re slowly transitioning to the custom one.

Hi @kkrp1,

The DNS propagation can take up to 48 hours. For more information, I recommend checking out our Troubleshoot Custom Domains documentation.

Let me know if you continue having issues after troubleshooting your custom domains.


Thanks for the reply, but as I mentioned, since my domain is proxied by Cloudflare, DNS changes are usually instant. It’s now been 72 hours and it still says verification failed, with the same error as above. What can I do?

@rueben.tiow this is still showing as unverified, 5 days later. Do you know what’s up with this? As per the screenshot I shared, everything is set up correctly. Specifically:

  1. I went to Cloudflare, and selected my (top level) domain
  2. Went to DNS
  3. Added a CNAME record as directed by the Auth0 custom domain page
  4. Clicked verify - it fails every time

The domain in question is, and the subdomain I’m trying to use for auth is

Thank you

Hi @kkrp1,

Thanks for the reply.

It looks like the DNS record is published but it cannot be found. You can check your custom domain at Network Tools: DNS,IP,Email.

Since you are using Cloudflare, I suggest temporarily disabling the Zone Hold as per this Cloudflare article.

Let me know how that goes for you.


Thanks! I hadn’t realised I needed to turn off the proxy.

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