Can't Login Using Office 365 Account To WindowsLive Connection?

I completed setting for WindowsLive connection on social connections.

When setting Microsoft Azure Active Directory i choose options

Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant)

All users with a work or school, or personal Microsoft account can use your application or API. It includes schools and businesses that use Office 365 as well as personal accounts that are used to sign in to services like Xbox and Skype.

But when i try my account like it woking perfect but with office 365 account, Application show me error not exist account.

Someone can help me for this case?

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I’m having the exact same error.
Its working with outlook domains but not my company’s.

Can you guys help ?

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@gogetenk Hi

Social Connection WindowsLive only support for Microsoft Account. If you want login with
both office 365 and Microsoft Account here

But you need remember Auth0 not support get refresh token of platform for this type of connection.

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