Can't accept the invitation


I’m having an issue while trying to accept the invitation for auth0. For some reason, when authenticating through microsoft I’m getting an error that this particular account/email does not exist. Even though, I use the same email/account for azure, dev ops, etc. And because this invitation is issued to this particular email and due to company policy I can’t use another one. So I’m really confused… Would be great if some one could shed some light on this issue!

P.S. not sure if providing the email would help and tags are randomly selected.

Hey there!

Can you contact me through a private message in the forum sending me your email so I can investigate that? Thank you!

I think I know what can be the core reason behind it here but in order to confirm that I need your email address

Thanks for the reply,

But I have managed to solve this issue by authenticating through google.

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Perfect! Glad to hear that and thanks for sharing with the rest of community!

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