Cancelled the subscription between Auth0 and Azure

Hi everyone,

I am going to un-subscribe Azure. I have an AUth0 account associating with it. I have the username and the old password, which both cannot be used to log in. How can I disconnect to link between them?

Hi @hvo

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

If I understood correctly, you are no longer able to access your Auth0 tenant in order to remove the connection with Azure. Please send a DM to @support with the name of the tenant and the email address used to access it.

In case this is not the current situation and you’re facing a different situation, please let me know what is the issue, if you’re getting any specific error messages and we can troubleshoot further.

Have a great one!

Hi @gerald.czifra ,
Thank you for your response. It is the correct situation. I have DM the support team.

I am wondering where I can check if the support team received it.
