Authentication email sent couple of hours late

we used a free account for a PoC trail project. we use vercel auth app to give access to pre-registered emails. the first few months works fine. recently, authentication email sent couple of hours later when I try to log-in, and of course it will show timeout error.
I am not from development background, and people who built this website is not free to check this for us. can anyone help on this?
is it any kind of email provider issue? (didnt setup any custom email provider)

Hi @liang.gong

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Thank you for posting your question. I’ve checked your tenant configuration, and it’s set as a production. I understand that you are building POC, but a built-in email provider shouldn’t be used in the production environment.

Regarding emails, as they were sent from built-in providers, they were probably reduced or temporarily blocked due to the high bounce rates. Customize Emails

I would suggest switching to the SMTP Email provider for an accurate experience.


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Hi Dawid,
Thank you so much! will check with the vendor about it.

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