At least one database, enterprise or social connection needs to be available with passwordless connection only

I want to authenticate an application only with Email Passwordless Connection.

I’m using the Classic Universal Login

However I get this error:

Something went wrong.
Please contact technical support.

And in the console:

Uncaught Error: Error: At least one database, enterprise or social connection needs to be available.

Accordingly to this topic it should be possible.

However the topic is very old, Auth0 dashboard changed a lot and I can’t reproduce the steps mentioned there:

you would have to change the hosted page to “Lock Passwordless” template.
Go to Hosted Pages, enable ‘Customize Login Page’ and choose the ‘Lock Passowrdless’ template under ‘Default Templates’

Which is the update solution to have only a passwordless connection?

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I found it.

It’s now under Branding > Universal Login > Login > HTML > Lock (passwordless)


Perfect! Thanks for sharing with the rest of community!