Amazon SES PROD not working

I’ve activated Amazon SES in PROD.

The test email works just fine. I’ve made sure to add the identity email created in SES to every “from” field in every template and as default “from” email. So in theory, Auth0 should only be using that email as “from” but I keep getting this error:

To: a gmail account
Error sending email: Email address is not verified. The following identities failed the check in region EU-WEST-2: Auth0 [Company name] APP

This error message is Amazon SES rejecting to send this email based on the identity not being the one that I’ve created.

How come?

Am I missing something?

Ps. I’m only using a the passwordless flow through email.

I’ve switched it to the SMTP as my email provider.

The tests went fine, the template test level went fine as well, everything working good, apparently until I’ve hit the passwordless journey and it failed:

Error sending email: Message failed: 554 Message rejected: Email address is not verified. The following identities failed the check in region EU-WEST-2: Auth0 [Company Name] APP,

It should’ve been the email that I’ve set it to be instead of :cry:

No idea what else I can do to make this :poop: to work.


It’s VERY SILLY that Auth0 decided to arbitrary put the passwordless template journey else where and not together with every other template that they have… Can’t understand.

Anyway. For those experiencing the same struggle.

Your welcome.

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