All the tenant of my account disappeared

I was trying to set up a machine-to-machine app for one of the tenants on the web console, and then after refreshing, it kept showing an error page. After I cleared my browser cache and logged in again, it asked me to set up a new tenant, which I did, and then I found out all my previous tenants disappeared from my dashboard. I can still use the machine-to-machine app that I previously set up though.

How can I gain access back to my 3 previous tenants?

Hey, from what I can tell your tenants should still exist, there’s just some sort of maintenance going on. The ability to enter the Auth0 Dashboard for tenants on US4 appears to be down currently. Degradation of performance for the Dashboard for impacted environments • Auth0 Status Page

It should be restored, along with access to your tenants. I did an automated deployment using the Auth0 CLI tool and it worked fine, and people can still log into the tenant. It seems only the dashboard is affected right now. Very annoying, really wish we’d be notified about this kind of stuff before it happened and that the status page showed the true status rather than hiding the fact that things are indeed broken.

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Thaniks for sharing that info @michael.abrahamson!

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