additionalSignUpFields storage root

We want to add on signup modal an extra field that lets users write a password once more to validate if it’s the same as the first one with following attribute.

additionalSignUpFields: [
name: “repeat_password”,
placeholder: “Re-enter your address”,
storage: ‘root’,
validator: function(repeat_password) {
const password = document.getElementsByName(“password”)[0]
return {
valid: password?.value && password.value === repeat_password,
hint: “Passwords do not match”

My question is,
is the data stored in root, repeat_password in this case, will be fetched by any of API provided by Auth0?
(Ideally this property should be password type but seems it’s not possible)

Any thoughts?
To simply put, my question is

  • is the data stored in Storage root, will be fetched by any of API provided by Auth0?

Hi @t.matsumoto

Welcome back to the Auth0 Community!

I assume you are using the lock configuration for the case of having additionalSignUpFields. The values after successful signup are pulled and put in the user meta-data. So to answer your question, this data will be fetched while using Lock Configuration for the Universal Login.


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