Adding Payment - "Error! API Error. Please contact support if the problem persists"

I’m trying to add a credt card payment info to my account and I keep receiving the
Error! API Error. Please contact support if the problem persists message.
And then the message becomes front end code.

Anyone have an idea what’s happening here?

Hi @justin.peake

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!
Can you please log out and back in your tenant, then try one more time? Let’s rule out an issue with your session firstly.

Let me know if it persists after this.

Thanks @gerald.czifra - I tried that and same result.
Also updated Chrome to Version 132.0.6834.84 (Official Build) (x86_64) and same result.

Hi @gerald.czifra,
I’m still receiving this API error while trying to enter payment info. Any ideas what could be going wrong? Thanks!

@support Thought I would tag you in here.
The console is showing:

PUT 500 (Internal Server Error)

@ main.js:1
mb @ main.js:1
t.putPaymentInfo @ main.js:1
(anonymous) @ main.js:1
(anonymous) @ main.js:1
(anonymous) @ main.js:1
o @ main.js:1
c @ main.js:1
(anonymous) @ main.js:1
xS @ main.js:1
t.updateBillingInfo @ main.js:1
onClick @ main.js:1
Ke @ vendor.js:205
We @ vendor.js:205
(anonymous) @ vendor.js:205
xr @ vendor.js:205
Ar @ vendor.js:205
(anonymous) @ vendor.js:205
Re @ vendor.js:205
(anonymous) @ vendor.js:205
Tr @ vendor.js:205
Xt @ vendor.js:205
Yt @ vendor.js:205
t.unstable_runWithPriority @ vendor.js:205
Gn @ vendor.js:205
Te @ vendor.js:205
Jt @ vendor.js:205
sentryWrapped @ helpers.ts:85

Hi @justin.peake

Thank you for providing all the details, this helped pin-point the error message that you received more accurately on our end!

In essence, you should have received an error like " card declined: do not honor " instead of the more generic API Error one, as this is what we’re seeing from looking at the logs on our end. I will need to ask that you contact your card issuer for more information in this case, as the blockage appears to be related to the card and not something else ( not related to your tenant, information provided, transaction etc.)
I would like to offer more details, but the trace from the logs leads to the card declined error message in this case.

Thank you for your understanding! Please let us know if you were able to get this resolved, or there is anything else that we could assist with on this matter.

Have a great one!


Thanks @gerald.czifra - We got it sorted and were able to enter our updated info no problem. :grinning:

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Thank you @justin.peake for letting us know, happy to hear that this has now been resolved for you!

Wishing you a great week ahead!