Your Support is Awful / Non-Existent

You don’t reply to tweets, emails or forum posts. There is no phone number.

We rely on your service and when something goes wrong there is nothing we can do!


@dylan sorry to hear about this. I can see that one of our team responded to your tweet within an hour - were you able to get your issue resolved?

@prashant - Another issue. I want to request the impersonation functionality is lifted on my account. It says I can open a ticket if the issue contains sensitive info, however that is a lie. I upgraded the account, and yet it still says I am on the free plan and won’t let me send a support ticket. It’s insane how every other tech company in the world manages to provide support within an hour (MailChimp, Twilio, SendGrid, Heroku, Stripe) to name a few. How can I contact someone?

Agreed. I’ve sent several emails, forum posts, etc, takes 10+ days for anyone to respond except for a Sales person. But I can’t even implement the most basic out of the box features because the links to samples are either out dated or don’t work.

I did get an extension on my “free trail” - but what good is that if I spend weeks implementing this.

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Not sure how anyone can do this when nobody can submit a ticket, even if you upgrade your account.

Not to mention finding anything on here is next to impossible.

I have 7 tabs open right now just looking for an example of this Post Registration hook, and I still can’t find anything. It’s a chore to get to this Community forum as well unless you know where to go. (Goto support link, then scroll all the way to the bottom and click the “ask community” button)

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@dylan I have created a support ticket for you - you should have received an email regarding this. Please pass on the account details there.

I am looking into why your account wasn’t updated.

@harry apologies for the inconvenience. With Hooks still being a beta feature, we have not yet ironed out all the docs and functionality yet. The Post Registration Hook is outlined here (including starter code): Post-User Registration

Hi @dylan, when accessing Support Center, you need to be logged into your upgraded account. If you are logged into a free account, you will see this message.

Yes, support has diminished and the forum is now terrible.

I don’t have impersonation on one of my accounts, the docs indicates that I need to contact support, but I cannot find anywhere to do this?

Hows do you expect us to use the system with no real support, and documentation that is now very confusing with regards to the many breaking changes with the OIDC upgrades, We did months of work to get up and running and now things have changed so much, some abstraction could have been done to mitigate this and documentation and support is vital considering the space in which you are operating.

I agree, removing support and downgrading the forum (which doesn’t even render properly in safari) plus unclear documentation is really making me wonder where all their funding is going. customer support does not exist.

Hmm now I need to upgrade to get this switched on for a new client??? really?

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