You have crossed the 80% threshold of your plan for Machine to Machine Auth

I have been notified that my Machine to Machine API has gone over the 1,000 token requests per month limit.

I have looked at the Usage page i am directed too, but it only shows the past 7 days, which shows me i have made 1 request per day, so i am a little confused that i have exceeded 1,000 that would mean i have made on average 45 requests per day this month so far.

Is there any way i can see the usage for the full month in the reports area, or can i only see last 7 days?

Hey there, @james.taylor; welcome to the Community! :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

Here is a document that outlines steps to monitor the usage of the token exchange for machine-to-machine applications - Monitor M2M Usage

One thing to remember is that in the case of free subscriptions, all your tenants’ usage counts towards this single 1000 request/month limit.

Please let me know if that clears the topic or if you have follow-up questions.

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Thank you, i shall investigate further :grinning:

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