Why is there an organization property in the Python SKD's client credential flow?

I found an organization property in the Python SKD’s client credential flow.

I doesn’t have any effect when setting it even though the doc block says:

organization (str, optional): Optional Organization name or ID. When included, the access token returned will include the org_id and org_name claims

How can I use it? I don’t see any option to assign an client app to an organisation in Auth0.


Hi @magic_al

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

By going to the Application settings, you can specify the behavior of the application with the organizations. You can read more about this feature here → Define Organization Behavior


I don’t think this answer applies to the original question. It doesn’t appear that applications can use the client credentials grant type with organizations, so it doesn’t seem to make sense that the client_credentials method has an organization argument. auth0-python/auth0/authentication/get_token.py at 6b1199fc74a8d2fc6655ffeef09ae961dc0b8c37 · auth0/auth0-python · GitHub

Am I missing something? I see this in the application settings on the organizations tab unless client credentials grants are disabled.

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Hi @dawid.matuszczyk , thanks for the reply. But @mreardon is exactly right. It’s the organisation id specifically in the client credential flow is what I’m wondering about.

AFAIK there is no way to assign a client app to an organisation even though that has been a long requested feature: Client Credentials Flow for Organisation - #10 by TacoEater

HI @magic_al and @mreardon

I’m sorry for the confusion on my side; I misunderstood the question. However, I’ve contacted our Product Department, who informed me that the Client’s Credential Flow support for Organization is right now in the private Early Access, which you can join by contacting your Auth0 account manager. If you can wait, the General Access for this feature is expected to launch during the second half of this year. I’ve checked the git blame for that line, and it has been added to support the clients’ credential flow for the organization.


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That’s great news. Thank you @dawid.matuszczyk

Indeed, that’s great news. Thanks a lot. I already went ahead and requested early access :slight_smile:

Thanks @dawid.matuszczyk !

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