Hi there,
I’m using Liqued template elements in the email subject for the Change Password email. This works fine except for when I add items with Cyrillic characters or special characters (snippits below). When I add that, the subject in Outlook will have multiple space/ tabs in front of the subject line.
Example snippet for email subject:
{% if application.name == 'AppName' %}
{% assign userLocale = user.user_metadata.locale | downcase %}
{% case userLocale %}
{% when 'ru-ru' %} AppName - Запрос на сброс пароля
{% else %} AppName - Reset password
{% endcase %}
{% endif %}
When using non-Cyrillic characters this works fine, but in this scenario some space is added to the subject line.
I tried stripping it with {{ "AppName - Запрос на сброс пароля" | strip }}
but without success.
Any suggestions?