When using Cyrillic or special characters in email subject. Space is added

Hi there,

I’m using Liqued template elements in the email subject for the Change Password email. This works fine except for when I add items with Cyrillic characters or special characters (snippits below). When I add that, the subject in Outlook will have multiple space/ tabs in front of the subject line.

Example snippet for email subject:

{%  if application.name == 'AppName'  %}
  {% assign userLocale = user.user_metadata.locale | downcase %}
  {% case userLocale %}
    {% when 'ru-ru' %} AppName - Запрос на сброс пароля
    {% else %} AppName - Reset password 
  {% endcase %}
{% endif %}

When using non-Cyrillic characters this works fine, but in this scenario some space is added to the subject line.

I tried stripping it with {{ "AppName - Запрос на сброс пароля" | strip }} but without success.

Any suggestions?

Hey there!

Thanks for reporting that! Can you also share a screenshot of how it looks like in your mailbox? Thank you!

Yes, of course. Updated the original post with the screenshot.

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Thanks I will talk it over with the appropriate team and get back to you soon!

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Any updates on the subject?

Don’t have any update from the team. I just repinged them.

Just received the update. The team haven’t been able to test explicitly on Outlook, but after some discussion, we think this might be due to the whitespace characters that are not stripped.

Here’s the documentation page:

There are liquid tags that allow to strip whitespace before/after a tag

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