When Auth0's built-in email provider will become supported for use in production enviroment?

I was going to use auth0’s email verification feature, but when reading the docs ( https://auth0.com/docs/email ) i saw an alert saying that “Auth0’s built-in email provider is not supported for use in a production environment, should be used for testing only, and has several restrictions.”, but I want to use it in production environment. When will I be able to use it?

Hey there @KevinKons!

The reason it’s not for production-use is that our core product is identity and security :slight_smile: We wanted to give our developers an opportunity to test this feature as it’s a part of the product we offer but we know that there our really great email services for example SendGrid that’s why we provide a way to integrate with them. As far as I know it’s simply a matter of providing more quality service to you by combining quality elements into one :slight_smile:

Hi @konrad.sopala!
Thanks for answering :smiley:

I undestood why you say it’s not for production-use, but can I use it anyway? is it secure?
And there is some documentation on how to doing email verification througth sendgrid

I don’t have much experience with it but as you said it’s in our docs that Auth0’s built-in email provider is not supported for use in a production environment, should be used for testing only so I won’t use it anyway.

Here are some of our docs on verification mails:


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