What is the best way to add a consent checkbox in universal ui?


This question has been asked a few times already but I didn’t get the answers I needed. My goal is to add a TOS consent checkbox to a universal login ui (not the classic one). I have tried everything from using the local customization editor to using altering the classic ui. My last bet would be to just use a custom template, alter the functionality of the submit button in the register ui using a query selector and then only allowing submission if the checkbox has been checked - but that just doesn’t feel right hence why I am wondering if there are some official ways of adding that simple functionality.


You can utilize custom sign up and Login prompts to display consent checkbox.

You can also refer to this thread and scroll down to all the way to bottom for more context.

Hi @ecosyslab-user

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

I recommend trying our feature Forms with a prebuilt template for policy acceptance. You can check this here → Custom Policies Acceptance Template


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