Last Updated: Dec 16, 2024
Monthly Active Users (MAU) are part of the users’ quota for each plan. Admins might need to know how to read the Monthly Active Users count (MAUs) and what triggers each count.
Applies To
- Monthly Active Users (MAU)
Monthly Active Users (MAU) count can be a little complicated to understand, but at the simplest level, it is the number of unique user IDs that issued tokens within a month.
So, if the same user ID issued 100 tokens, it would be counted as 1 MAU within the month timeframe regardless of how many applications a tenant issued tokens for.
A user is considered to be active in a given month if they have generated a log of user activity with their user_id, under one of the following events:
- s: Successful login
- sepft: Successful exchange of password for token
- ssa: Successful silent authentication
- seoobft: Successful exchange of Password and OOB Challenge for Access Token
- seotpft: Successful exchange of Password and OTP Challenge for Access Token
- sercft: Successful exchange of Password and MFA Recovery code for Access Token
- sertft: Successful exchange of Refresh Token for Access Token
- seacft: Successful exchange of authorization code for Access Token
- scoa: Success cross-origin authentication
- sens: Successful native social exchange
Refresh tokens will not affect Monthly Active Users count. Once a user has an access token issued within the month, they can have as many as they want. Still, only 1 MAU will be counted.