Customers using Database Connections can implement custom actions that execute after an end-user changes their password or after a tenant admin updates an end-user’s password. For example, you can trigger an email to notify a user. We did this to build on Auth0’s pillar of extensibility and let you more easily customize your users’ workflows.
New and existing customers can start using this new hook right away. You will see a notification in your Auth0 Dashboard.
What other extensibility hooks would you like to see? Submit your ideas to our feedback page.
Give it a try and let us know what you think!
Please let us know if you have any questions in the comments below!
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From the documentation here, it says:
Only tenants created prior to 17 July 2018 have access to and the Webtask CLI. If you are an enterprise customer with a newer tenant, please contact your account representative to request access.
What does that mean? Is it about the CLI or Hooks - or both?
The way I read it, is that Hooks are not available to new tenants - is that correct?
Hey there @torben.lorentzen!
That’s a good question indeed. From my point of view both of these sources also provide two contradicting points. Let me reach out to Hooks product manager to find more about it!
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Hi @torben.lorentzen! Happy to clear up any confusion here.
The word “webtask” refers both to the internal javascript platform used to run rules, hooks, and custom connections within Auth0, as well as to a completely separate public service sponsored by Auth0 called
While it’s true that the separate service is not accepting new signups, access to rules and hooks within Auth0 is available to all Auth0 tenants, regardless of account tier or age. There is no interdependency between the two services, and they run on completely separate infrastructure.
What other questions can I answer for you?
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OK, thanks for clearing that up - that’s great!
I have 2 more questions regarding Hooks:
- Hooks has been in beta for more than a year now - if I remember correct. Is is safe to use for production?
- With applications, api’s, rules etc. we are deploying all that via the git integration for all our tenants. Is this also possible for Hooks? Or is there some other way to do this?
These are both great questions!
- Hooks has been in beta for more than a year now - if I remember correct. Is is safe to use for production?
The beta is going on two years now! Hooks are safe for production use, and Auth0 supports them within our posted SLAs. The feature is still marked beta because it is not yet considered feature-complete, but they are safe and resilient.
- With applications, api’s, rules etc. we are deploying all that via the git integration for all our tenants. Is this also possible for Hooks? Or is there some other way to do this?
We’re in the process of rolling out the management API for hooks at the moment, including support via the Auth0 deploy-cli. Deploy via git extensions will follow shortly. This is a major step toward marking hooks out of beta, and we’re excited to deliver it!
How else can I help?
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Thanks for the answers, I really appreciate it!
Looking forward to the release! 
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Glad we were able to help Torben!
After a user clicks the email link to reset their password, they get stuck on a confirmation page with a checkmark icon. Can we use this hook to help them get somewhere useful after that? Otherwise it’s a confusing dead end.
Let me ping @Chipadeedoodah so he can guide you further!
The post-password-change hook is an async event that fires after the password reset event is triggered. It’s not able to mutate the user flow in any way.
I talked with @michael.wallen, product manager for user management, about this, and made him aware of this thread to comment further.
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