We're sorry, something went wrong when attempting to log in

Using developer tools I can see the following console errors.

Usage of scope 'openid profile' is not recommended. See https://auth0.com/docs/scopes for more details.

There was an error fetching the SSO data. This could simply mean that there was a problem with the network. But, if a "Origin" error has been logged before this warning, please add "https://mysite.auth0.com" to the "Allowed Origins (CORS)" list in the Auth0 dashboard: https://manage.auth0.com/#/applications/N859IKV7rMK2uEZUNZxYpb9ceRp5nU4B/settings

I made the changes it requested and still the same errors. Nothing is showing up in the error logs. Just trying to narrow down what the real issue is.

Hey there @mark.perry! What version of Auth0 Lock are you on currently? Is this error recent or has it always been a hurdle? I would like to find out more information about what’s going on and possibly have you send me in a DM a HAR file when the error is occuring. Thanks in advance!