Weibo social login with auth0 Dev details

When i click “try” on Weibo social connection while leaving everything blank (using auth0 dev keys)
i get the following error:
对第三方应用进行授权时出现错误,请您联系第三方应用的开发者: eugeniop或者稍后再试。

Signing in with Weibo account is wrong!
An error occurred while authorizing a third-party app. Please contact the developer of the third-party app: eugeniop or try again later.
Error code: 21322
Redirect address does not match

Hey there @melono6, welcome to the Auth0 Community!

I gave the social connection Weibo a shot and wasn’t able to reproduce the same error.

When you get a chance can you share a bit more detail on what you are experiencing or how to reproduce? Thanks in advance!

Following up on this front @melono6 and seeing if we can snag some more details here. Thanks!

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