Verification Email Error Message

Problem statement

After clicking on a verification email for the first time, the user’s email was verified as expected.

However, clicking on the same link a second time returns the error:

'Your email address could not be verified.'.

This message was unexpected because the custom text had been implemented using the Custom Text Prompts feature and targeted the field alreadyVerifiedDescription. However, it appears this error is customized with the field unknownErrorDescription.

Steps to reproduce

1 I registered a new user on the dashboard.
2. I received a verification email.
3. I clicked the link in the verification email.
4. I was verified.
5. I clicked the link in the verification email again.


This behavior is expected to occur when a verification link has been clicked twice.

This is because Verification Links can only be used once, and once they are used, they will expire. Once expired, they always return the error that triggers the ‘unknownErrorDescription’ message.

The ‘alreadyVerifiedDescription’ error description will only be triggered if you send a brand new Verification Email to the customer after they have already verified their email and then they click on the link for the first time.