Using reverse proxy for authentication

I’m trying to prevent authentication cookies through Auth0 from being considered third-party by the browser. To achieve this, I first set up a custom domain in Auth0, and it worked correctly. However, I encountered the limitation that only one custom domain can be defined.

In my current scenario, I need to authenticate from multiple domains within the same Auth0 tenant. I’m considering using a reverse proxy (such as Nginx or CloudFront). My question is whether I can do this without needing to use Auth0 custom domains, CNAME-api-key headers, etc., since I would need to define more than one custom domain, which is not possible.

In other words, is it possible to configure a reverse proxy for and and have both authenticate against


Hi @gpineda

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Thank you for posting your question. I’ve done some research regarding using a reverse proxy to set up two custom domains connected to the tenant, and it looks like it’s not possible to do that. However, for Q2 2025, our team is planning to release early access support for multiple custom domains per tenant.
