Auth0 Lock using Ionic 2 seems to have stopped working (for me…) - it was OK just a week ago but now, once I run the app on android, trying to login (with google) I get a 403:
Error: disallowed_useragent
This user-agent is not permitted to make an OAuth authorization request to Google...
So I’m fairly sure that is down to the way lock works.
Is this something that will get ‘fixed’ or get an ‘official’ workaround - or does the change with google mean the end of the road for lock (at least in an app with google as the OAuth provider)?
I have looked at the Auth0 guides (both ionic 1 and 2 quickstarts, and a number of github repos) - I can’t see any mention of this issue (maybe it is too new an issue? Saying that, I found a link in the old auth0 forum that refers to it back in January…)
I had a look at updating auth0-ionic2-samples/01-Login at master · auth0-samples/auth0-ionic2-samples · GitHub so that it compiles - but that is broken too. If I don’t install cordova-plugin-inappbrowser, then I just get ‘ok’ in a webpage, nothing fires back to the app and I never log in. If I do add it, I get the same 403 error. I guess if there were currently a workaround, auth0’s own sample/demo files would use it.
I have seen this link:
which is the same issue - and in the comments there is reference to a plugin: GitHub - auth0/auth0-cordova: Auth0 integration for Cordova apps
Is using that the recommended way to go now? Stop using lock, use auth0-cordova plugin? Given this is buried in the comments and has no mention in the docs, I’m unsure about it.
I also have had no luck at all trying to get that plugin working in ionic 2 (angular 2/typescript) - has anyone?