Using JWTs for GraphQL Authorization with Hasura

Learn about the Hasura platform and how their GraphQL APIs can be secured using JSON Web Tokens.

Read on :ferris_wheel: >> Authorization Using JWT Authentication with Hasura GraphQL Engine

I feel like the most important bit of this tutorial would be the ā€œGenerating a valid JWTā€ section, ideally showing how to have Hasura add the metadata to the token, however itā€™s glossed over. Any chance of getting more detail?

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Hey there @lukerhodes!

Will make sure to relay that feedback to article author!

Howdy! Thanks for your feedback. We did some research and took a look at the tutorial:

The steps say to browse to, and log in. Once you do that, the token will be visible and can be copied.

Then, browse to and paste in the token to see the token claims.

There are screenshots for all these steps to guide you.

Let us know please if this helps or if you need further assistance.

Thank you again for reading the blog post!


Getting error after mutation:
ā€œmessageā€: ā€œfield "name" not found in type: ā€˜tag_insert_inputā€™ā€

Maybe DB needs repair after lots of people playing with it?

Howdy, Ryu! Welcome to the Auth0 Community. Thank you for reading the post and sharing your feedback.

We are working on updating our Hasura-related guidance in collaboration with the Hasura team :pray: Stay tuned for updates in the coming weeks, please.