User unable to reset password when existing in WP but not Auth0

Hi there,

I have Auth0 set up and working perfectly to migrate users from Wordpress, but just hit a snag during testing.

A user who has not logged in before, and hence does not have an entity on Auth0 yet, has forgotten their password.

They try to log in, can’t, and press ‘reset password’. Enter their details, but the email never arrives to reset it.

A user who has an Auth0 user set up (e.g. they have successfully logged in at least once) gets the password reset email instantly.

Any ideas how to deal with the folk who have not yet logged in to Auth0? We’ve checked the emails are not being received, they are not in spam either. Emails are being sent from the site for other things (e.g. if an email address is changed on the site, it emails the user).

Thanks in advance,


Hey there @RCheesley, welcome to Auth0 Community!

How are your users authenticating? Are they leveraging a social integration or are they expected to sign up for the first time with a username/password? Thank you.

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