Universal login - SMS country filter from MFA screen

When using Universal Login MFA with SMS option, there should be a way to filter which countries we support (a subset of ALL the countries listed now).

The SMS MFA screen currently has a list of countries that are used to pre-populate country codes on the users phone number. When using universal login, there is no way to update the UI to limit to a subset of supported countries. The only option is to use an action for ‘Send Phone Message’ and error out AFTER the user entered their phone number and submitted.

Here is an article describing how to do this in Classic (with universal called out not supporting this solution) : search for how-to-filter-or-lock-mfa-mobile-number-country-codes-in-new-universal-login

Use Case - Our product is very country specific, so there is no need to support (configure/registrations) for global reach. Today that experience for the user is very disjoint and confusing.

Hi @kwme ,

Checkout this post that talks about limiting country code.

Thanks for the article, I had seen that one and is in fact what I am currently doing (in the send phone message action). Problem this is post end user being able to select the country that is not supported in the UX, makes for a strange end user experience.

I am using Universal Login.