Limiting country codes for MFA via phone/text in new Universal Login

I found a few posts from 2022 about new Universal Login not supporting configuring a default country code or limiting the list of country codes on the mfa-phone-enrollment screen in new Universal Login. The suggestions back then were to move away from using Universal Login to either classic or a custom page, but it was also stated a backlog item existed for bringing these customizations to Universal Login. Has there been any movement on this front?

Hi @jennagoldman,

That’s correct. I can confirm that the New Universal Login still does not allow you to limit the country codes or configure a default country code for MFA phone enrollment. This is mentioned in this post.

Although you cannot limit the country codes, you can use a send phone message action script to restrict users from performing MFA unless they have a phone number from a valid country by checking event.message_options.recipient attribute for the user’s mobile phone number. (Reference: How to Filter or Lock MFA Mobile Number Country Codes in New Universal Login)

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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