Can we limit the allowed country codes for SMS MFA enrolment?

Is there a way to limit the allowed country codes in the phone message MFA enrolment?

Hi @markd,

Yes! You can allow SMS enrollment only from allowed country codes by implementing it in Send Phone Message Flow Action script.

Please let me know if you have any questions!


Isn’t this post-factual? The user selects a country code (that we don’t support), enters a phone number, clicks continue and only then do we do something about it? What we would like to see is the ability to control which country codes are available in the drop down on the enrolment screen.

Edit: to be clear, we are using Twilio for phone message delivery, if that matters. Because we are in Canada, by default only Canada & the USA are enabled in our Twilio environment. If we want to send phone messages to phone numbers outside North America we need to enable those countries. To avoid confusing users we would like to limit the list of allowed countries in the enrolment flow to those countries we have enabled in Twilio.

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Hi @markd,

Thanks for your reply.

I have just collaborated with my colleagues on this one and it looks like the Send Phone Message action happens after the user has inputted their phone numbers. Unfortunately, there isn’t a way to have a drop-down for the available country codes for SMS MFA enrollment.

In this situation, I recommend creating a feedback request asking for this feature.

I hope this helps!

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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