Universal Login - Remove Storybook styling

I am having trouble with center aligning my widget using the universal editor. seems to be centered in default auth0 domain but not my custom domain. I have a feeling this may be tied to a auth page I made using Storybook a while back. I can no longer access my storybook editor for some reason, and want to ensure that not of that styling is affecting my “New Universal Login” UI.

Any suggestions?

Hi @alexdc2,

You can change the page layout alignment for your Universal Login by going to the Auth0 Dashboard > Branding > Universal Login > Customization Options > Page background. On that page, you should have an option to choose your preferred Page Layout.


Please let me know if you have any questions.


Hi @rueben.tiow,

I have tried using the alignment settings that you show in that screenshot. However, when I click “try” it does not show the alignment changes. Every other kind of change persists, but the alignment does not. I am using a custom url and saw this other issue that was raised but never solved:

Hi @alexdc2.

Thanks for your reply.

Sometimes, the Try button caches the settings from the previous configuration. Have you tried testing your login page from your actual login URL?


Hi @rueben.tiow,

I have tried viewing from my actual log in URL. the change does not persist. In the post I linked to in my last response it seems others have the same problem and it may be connected to using a custom auth domain vs the standard auth domain that you get by default.

Is it possible that lingering storybook styling has anything todo with this or is this a bug?

Hi @alexdc2,

Just to clarify again, using your custom domain does not show the changes, but does your canonical domain show these changes?


@rueben.tiow, I am not able to access the sign in page from my canonical url. Curious if you have any tools for debugging something like this?

Hi @alexdc2,

Thanks for following up.

Could you please clarify the error you experienced? If possible, could you please share your tenant name with me on a direct message?

And could you please share the login URL you tried to log in with?

On your browser, it should look something like the following:

