Universal custom logic not being updated

I have been invited to change and maintain some apps in the dashboard, and a few hours ago I have updated the Universal custom Logic to use the “New one” with a logo and some colours but none of them they were updated yet. Should I do something extra?

Hello @facundo

Have you made certain you toggled off the classic login page and password reset as well?

hello @karen1

I checked switching back to classic login but without any effects

  1. Do I need some permissions? I have been invited to the dashboard as an admin already, so I supposed I should be able to do it
  2. I changed back to new layout and there were no effects. How long should I wait for the change to make the impact?

These are the responses:

PATCH https://manage.auth0.com/api/prompts
universal_login_experience: "classic"
PATCH https://manage.auth0.com/api/branding

both with 200

PS: I am not customizing anything, I just need the logo and brand colors

Tried with a different app where the customization was working and changed it to classic and it didn’t work either.

Ok, figure it out.
In the url on top you have access to your domain, you need to make sure you are changing the right one.

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Glad you have figured it out and thanks for sharing the solution with the rest of community!

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