Unable to update support_mail with terraform


I am using terraform (provider “registry.terraform.io/auth0/auth0” {version=“1.2.0”) to manage my auth0 tenant. According to auth0_tenant docs, I should be able to update any property. But then I try to change the support_email I get:

module.auth0.auth0_tenant.tenant: Modifying… [id=]

│ Error: 400 Bad Request: Payload validation error: ‘Additional properties not allowed: require_pushed_authorization_requests’ on property flags (Flags used to change the behavior of this tenant).

│ with module.auth0.auth0_tenant.tenant,
│ on …/…/modules/auth0/main.tf line 9, in resource “auth0_tenant” “tenant”:
│ 9: resource “auth0_tenant” “tenant” {

There was a similar issue with auth0 cli that was fixed some time ago but I can;t find anything for the terraform provider.

Any ideas on how to overcome the problem?

Hi @maxim_naidenov,

The error you experience is stating that you cannot pass the following properties in the flags object:

Based on this error, there doesn’t seem to be any mention of an issue with the support_email you were trying to update.

Please remove that restricted property in your flags object.

Keep me posted on how this goes for you.



Hi @rueben.tiow,

this is exactly the problem, I don’t change any flag, I change only the support_email. Here are the relevant lines from the log of ‘terraform apply’:

Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
~ update in-place

Terraform will perform the following actions:

module.auth0.auth0_tenant.tenant will be updated in-place

~ resource “auth0_tenant” “tenant” {
id = “65a3841e-d9a4-41b9-bae5-373bddf06449”
~ support_email = “email” → “email_test”
# (9 unchanged attributes hidden)

    # (3 unchanged blocks hidden)

Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.

As you see, nothing else has changed. Could this be a similar issue to: Additional properties not allowed new-universal-login-experience-enabled


Hi @maxim_naidenov,

Can you please share an example of the schema that you used in your request?


Hi @rueben.tiow,

What schema do you refer? I created my terraform script as explained: Terraform Registry and now I want to use terraform to manage my configuration e…g. to update some fields, particularly the support_email field of auth0_tenant. I change this field only and when I apply the configuration, I get the above-mentioned error. As mentioned, I changed only the support_email field, nothing else!