Unable to update Application Settings in Auth0 Portal - Dashboard

Hi All,

I have an old Generic application in Auth0. I want to update the Allowed Callback URLs using the Auth0 portal/Dashboard.
Whenever I make any change to my application and click on Save Changes - It comes back with below errror:
|error|Bad Request|
|message|Payload validation error: ‘Additional properties not allowed: angular’ on property addons (The addons for the client).|

Below is the part of request object:

In my application when I click on Addons - I don’t see Angular at all. And I am not sure how to remove it from my application.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Hey there @centium!

I saw a few from our users also having temporary issues with our dashboard configuration recently. Can you confirm whether it’s still there?

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Hi Konrad,
The issue has been resolve now.
Thanks for your help.

Super glad to hear it!