Unable to send a welcome email to users using Managed Api from the AuthO

I am trying to send a welcome API from my back-end code which is written in C# i am using the managed API from the Application of Auth 0 for one of my tenant
for example : 1: https://tenent.us.auth0.com/api/v2/mail/welcome , when i used the default API( system API) i am getting 404

                    2: https://tenentapi.net/api/v2/mail/welcome, i have creat a second API( Custom API) , i am facing UN-know host 

The API are working fine for my application for app login and every thing , but for sending welcome email using the API in my code its not working

Does any one know the solution or can you point out what we are missing here

Hi @yellowblockllp

Welcome back to the Auth0 Community,

As stated in this Knowledge Solution → Send a Welcome Email on Request, it’s not possible to send a welcome email on demand. A possible workaround to this problem is to set up a third-party provider that you would add to your signup flow.

I would encourage you to create a feature request under Feedback category, here is our link: Feedback - Auth0 Community. You can read our FAQ regarding submitting a feature request here: How to Submit Product Feedback or Feature Requests


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