Test custom domains in devel tennant

Wee need to configure custom domains for our tennant. Before going to production we need to test the change in our development tennant. Since the Auth0 custom domain must be a validated domain, we can not use any localhost or event a local DNS for our devel application. What is the best approach for a devel application to be able be setup with an Auth0 tennant with custom domains?

Hi @david.casillas,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Yes, that is correct. If you intend to use a custom domain, please make sure that it’s validated and that you own the domain. Please refer to our Configure Custom Domains with Auth0-Managed Certificates documentation.

For testing purposes on localhost, you should be able to do so directly without configuring it as a custom domain.

Let me know if you have any questions.


“For testing purposes on localhost, you should be able to do so directly without configuring it as a custom domain.”

This is the key of the question, we want the devel environment to be equal to the production environment so we can check everything before going live, but seems that custom domains is not an option and we must update the production configuration to use custom domains without testing the change in development.

Is there any workaround to this?

Hi @david.casillas,

Thanks for your reply.

Unfortunately, each custom domain in Auth0 is uniquely associated with a single tenant. This means that if you have a custom domain for your production tenant, you must use your production tenant for testing.

One alternative to this approach is to configure the custom domain for your development tenant first, and after verifying that everything works, migrate the same configuration to your production tenant.

The Deploy CLI Tool might be helpful here to export/import tenant settings from one to another.

Let me know how this goes for you.


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