Login does not redirect to Custom Domain

We already added and verified a custom domain (ex. auth.dev.mydomain.com) in our dev tenant.

I can get the login page to have the custom domain locally, but when I try to log in our deployed page, the login page has the tenant url (ex. tenant.us.auth0.com).

We are using auth0-nextjs package, and already changed the AUTH0_ISSUER_BASE_URL secret to have the value of our custom domain. Is there something we are missing?

We appreciate all the help and advice we get :slight_smile: thank you in advance.

Hi @margarza,

You will also have to update your AUTH0_BASE_URL in your environment variables to point to your custom domain.

Please let us know how this goes for you.


we just tried updating our AUTH0_BASE_URL environment variable, but still we are being redirected to the tenant url :frowning: do you have another suggestion we can try? or is there some documentation we can follow about using a custom domain with auth0-next-js package?

@rueben.tiow , Also, maybe the problem is our custom login page that we are using, we have set this param like: domain: config.auth0Domain,, and the config.auth0Domain is set to our tenant url, we don’t know why it is not taking our custom domain.

Any idea on what we can do? Having the same issue as @margarza.