swiftUI example

Does anyone have any guidance/tutorials on implanting Auth0 within SwiftUI

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Hey there @dannyd2592!

Unfortunately we don’t have any tutorial or content on that. I added SwiftUI tag to that so that others can find it more easily and potentially help you!

I hope tutorial will be added soon. Bcoz many users need it.So its an humble request to add it.

Hey there @kimberlyrandall572!

Can you share more context and your usecase why you need it, with our product team via our product feedback site so one of our product managers can reach out to you shortly and discuss your needs? Thank you!

Any update on this? We’re trying to implement the Universal Login (00Login) example using SwiftUI and not using Storyboards and running into some issues. Also trying to customize to open in WKWebView not in a separate browser on iOS.

Hey there @NPetersen!

As above, our product managers need more product feedback with scenario description etc. to actually start considering swiftUI example to happen as of now they simply didn’t receive enough requests for it.

We are simply trying to get the 00 Login example to work for Universal Login to work on an iOS app targeting 13 on up. We are trying to go SwiftUI all the way and not use storyboards and a viewcontroller like the example in Github. We just invoke the code from a button action to make the WebAuth.start call. The problem with our call is we’re making the call below using the useLegacyAuthentication and after I successfully login it just spins. I take out that option and it returns from the website callback fine. We’re using that option because we want to use the SFSafariViewController to give a more custom feel to our app. I guess to clarify is there a way to do the new SafariAuthenticationSession and control the presentation to be full screen is really what I ought to be asking.

                  .scope("openid profile")
                  .useLegacyAuthentication(withStyle: UIModalPresentationStyle.overFullScreen)
                  .audience("https://" + clientInfo.domain + "/userinfo")
                  .start {
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Hey there @NPetersen!

One of our engineers is also running into the same issues. We’ll get back to you once he figures this one out.

Hi. We are developing with SwiftUI. I can’t find among the code currently offered by Auth0 any SwiftUI app sample implementation. I’m evaluating Auth0 to be used in a SwiftUI environment. Please, can it be used with SwiftUI? Is any sample code available anywhere?

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Unfortunately we don’t have any blog article about that and our quickstarts or docs haven’t been updated to swiftUI yet. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Hi Konrad. I managed to make LockV2 work in a SwiftUI app anyway, thank you.


Glad to hear that! Is that something you could share for now with the rest of community until we release something official? Thank you!

Hey there have you had a chance to see my previous message? I got a response from our SDK team that for now they do not intend to adjust any of our SDKs to swiftUI as it’s targeted for iOS 13 and it’s pretty in its infancy that’s why it may be still prone to security vulnerabilities. Thank you and sorry for the experience!

One of our community users just shared that. Thanks a lot @kerekes.j.marton!

DISCLAIMER :slight_smile:

It’s a wrapper View for Lock, Auth0’s native SDK. Apply architecture according to your taste.
