I have a customer that wants me to support both SAML and database connection with same domain email (all users are in pattern ***@mycompany.com).
Only a small number of users are required to use SAML login while others will continue using our product with a database connection for the time being.
My environment is:
I have a custom database connection that will be used by default
I have an enterprise connection for mycompany.com, but with no home realm discovery because it will grab all users with the domain mycompany.com.
My proposed solution is:
I would like to support such use case by providing an additional button for user to choose and login with SAML.
The button should only show for users with domain of mycompany.com, and send out login request with connection when clicked.
My question is:
What are some suggestions you like to give for this kind of use case? Is there off-the-shelf solution I can use?
I tried using the new login experience with custom template. I think I can achieve my goals by adding a lot of situational scripts. But, the scripts will relay on some DOM object manipulation, and is vulnerable to future updates that changes the structure. Do you have other suggested solution to the matter? Something like an easier way of adding logic to the template will really help a lot.
According to answer given in Home Realm Discovery - Customization , the part where I need only certain users to see the options cannot be simply fulfilled. Has anything change since 2021 when the question is asked?
Thanks for reading through my question!