I’m trying to send verification email to only specific users-signup,
so I’m doing it by using auth0-rules,
I use this function management.sendEmailVerification()
inside the rules,
I tried to signup, and on Log-dashboard, it is clearly said “Success verification email request” but there’s no email-verification in my inbox.
may i know why no incoming email ?
I have disabled the Status on email-template-dashboard,
as it is stated in Customize Email Handling
on Prerequisites #3. Toggle the switch to disable the Status .
well it does makes sense why would I disable the email-template, because if I enable it, the signup from api /dbconnections/signup
is already triggering the verification-email (won’t trigger auth, so it won’t trigger rules),
hence /dbconnections/signup
won’t trigger the rules which means I cannot control to whom I will send the verification email,
because again, I only want specific user to have the verification email, the rest just let the email unverified or whatever just don’t send the email.
and yeah, if i enabled the status and signup via universal-login (signup with auto-login), I will always received 2 emails,
- from the email-template status
- from the rules.
which is why i disabled the template-email because the docs says that and i don’t want auto-email request for all users.
and Secondly, I want to ask how to use verification email by using request on rules (Customize Email Handling),
i dont understand the payload:
url: 'https://yourapi.yourcompany.com/mail/verification',
json: {
user: user,
context: context,
secretToken: configuration.MY_SECRET_TOKEN,
How do i get secretToken, where is the place on dashboard to get it ?
and then how to get “your api” & “your company”,
are they my domain ? like https://TENANT_NAME.us.auth0.com ?