Social Connections moving from development keys to production keys

We have gone live in production with our windowslive and google social connection but we still have the Auth0 development keys configured.

Is there any disruption in the system if we enter in our client id and client secret now? Will it disrupt the current users who have logged in while we had the development keys configured?

To go Live with Social Connection, you should register new app in the Social platform, collect the credential (including client-id & client-secret) and provide it on Auth0 setting.

If you are using the Auth0 domain

  • If you leave Auth0 setting blank, the setting default will be the Auth0 development and there is no disruption with it.
  • If not, you should add Auth0 domain & callback URL to Allowed URL in Social Application setting.

If you are using the custom domain

  • you should add your custom domain & callback URL to Allowed URL in Social Application setting.

Take a look at this video for more detail: How To Add Google Authentication with Auth0 - YouTube

Hope it can help.

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Thanks for sharing all that with the rest of community!