Social connection account not fully deletable

When registering on our platform using a social connection from Auth0.
A new user is created (even if an account already exists for the associated email address)
(Why they’re not automatically linked is a topic for a different time…)

When send a request to delete the account (or delete it from the Auth0 dashboard), the account is deleted. Logging in again however restores the account. The MFA connections are still there, the access logs are still there, and even MFA sessions of ‘remember me for 30 days’ are still active.

The deletion should be permanent, and all information should be disassociated.
Is there a way to do this without writing a bunch of custom scripts to artificially reset the account before deletion?

Hi @waltervandenhouten,

Can you DM me a screen capture of this happening? I don’t experience the same behavior and would like to confirm steps to reproduce. A deleted user shouldn’t be restored.

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Hi all,

Just sharing a solution mentioned in this FAQ.


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