Signup email are failing

When testing in the qa tenant the verification email are failing, the error in the log:

Type: Failed Sending Notification
Connection :Username-Password-Authentication
“date”: “2021-04-11T11:27:53.885Z”,
“type”: “fn”,
“description”: “To:",
“connection”: “Username-Password-Authentication”,
“connection_id”: “”,
“client_id”: "5bH9
“details”: {
“email_type”: “verify_email”,
“to”: “******”,
“error”: “The provided authorization grant is invalid, expired, or revoked”
“log_id”: “90020210411112759146000696764554228421915083518701994082”,
“_id”: “90020210411112759146000696764554228421915083518701994082”,
“isMobile”: false,
“user_agent”: “Other 0.0.0 / Other 0.0.0”

Hey @yholland , Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

The Error below:
“error”: “The provided authorization grant is invalid, expired, or revoked”

Points to the Key being invalid/expired, Are you using a Custom Email provider on your tenant?
Would be good to check if the configuration is still valid.



Thank you @sidharth.chaudhary , the issue was with our sandgrid key.
Had to update the key under Branding->Email Provider (Did not expect to have the email provider setting under Branding).


Thanks for sharing that with the rest of community!

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