Sign up functionality using Auth0 Universal Login

Hello, I am working on my React project where I would like it to allow users to sign up. In my localhost, when the form shows up, I use the “Sign up” tab to do sign up but I am not able to do so. What do I have to do in order for this functionality to work? ( I am using my own MongoDB to store user’s information when he/she signs up )


Hi @huynhnamdo,

Can you please give us more information about what is happening?

It says that “we’re sorry, something went wrong when attempting to sign up” after I sign a new user up. And also, it says “we’re sorry, something went wrong when attempting to login” if I do not use the “sign in with Google” but type in the email and password

You should see a more detailed error in the logs section of your Auth0 dashboard.

It says that “Please implement the Get User script for this database connection at”. I go there and check, everything is good, I click “Save and Try”, the ‘Sign up’ functionality works just fine but when it comes to my app, it does not work at all

Can you provide me with the tenant name and connection name so I can take a look. You can DM them to me please.

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