Hello, I am working on my React project where I would like it to allow users to sign up. In my localhost, when the form shows up, I use the “Sign up” tab to do sign up but I am not able to do so. What do I have to do in order for this functionality to work? ( I am using my own MongoDB to store user’s information when he/she signs up )
It says that “we’re sorry, something went wrong when attempting to sign up” after I sign a new user up. And also, it says “we’re sorry, something went wrong when attempting to login” if I do not use the “sign in with Google” but type in the email and password
It says that “Please implement the Get User script for this database connection at https://manage.auth0.com/#/connections/database”. I go there and check, everything is good, I click “Save and Try”, the ‘Sign up’ functionality works just fine but when it comes to my app, it does not work at all