with apple returns app name as null

I am trying to Sign in with Apple using Auth0 .
But the permission message shows my app name as null

This is the permission message.

Do you want to sign in to null with you Apple ID “”?

The logo of my app is showing correctly. It is the app name that is showing null

Where do I set the app name?

Edit: Here is how it looks -

Hey there!

Thanks for reporting that. It seems at first sight that there’s a problem with fetching your app data from Apple Developer. Can you tell me which quickstart / tutorial / doc have you followed?

Hey, thanks for getting back.
I am using a HybridAuth.swift class from this github example

Here I provide scope and connection.
For Apple sign in my scope is "openid profile email" and connection i s “apple”.

Hope this is helpful. Let me know if you need anything else to figure out the issue.

Whoa we’ve got ready step by step tutorials to implement Sign In With Apple into native apps (like the one you are trying to build). Can you try it?

Thanks, will try these out.

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They should do the job!

Any updates? I am facing the same issue in production when performing Apple login with faceID.

Here are the params that I use to build the redirect url to apple login. Except this issue, everything works like a charm, I only miss this crazy app name.

    response_mode: 'form_post',
    response_type: 'code',
    scope: 'name email',
    client_id: apple.clientID,
    redirect_uri: apple.callbackURL,

Thanks in advance for any reply

We switched the implementation suggested by Konrad.

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Perfect! Glad to hear that!