We have an auth0 tenant with less than 10k users, and we have built a user administration page inside our app that paginates this list in chunks of 25 users. This query usually takes less than 600 ms.
Occasionally we get a 503 - which i understand to be a query that takes more than 2 seconds
[{"status": "503", "detail": "The query exceeded the timeout. Please try refining your search criteria. See https://auth0.com/docs/best-practices/search-best-practices", "title": "Service Unavailable"}]
I have read the search best practices guide and think we’re doing everything correctly, but I wanted to see if someone would look at our query and see if we are doing something less efficiently than we should be. Again we’e only fetching 25 records at a time at maximum.
per_page 25
page 0
Included fields (family name, given name, email, last login, security info, user and app metadata, identities, created at)
include totals
sort on email
where connection name = chris
Are we asking for too many fields here? Any other insight into what may cause this query to return a 503? (We saw this yesterday twice btw, at 8:30am EST and at 3pm EST) and a total of 9 times in the last 30 days.
Thank you,
Chris Ward