SAML broken - SAML attribute names changed without notice

Today, the SAML attribute names changed without notice.
The mappings in SAML config section are not working (mapped attributes do not show in SAML Debug window)
The new attribute names are not present in SAML Metadata XML file.

All our SAML integrations were failing to login users because of missing attributes.

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Hi @janco,

Thank you for reporting this, and I’m sorry for the inconvenience this issue has caused. Our team is currently working to resolve the problem which seems to be related to the SAML add-on. You can see updates on the Status Page here: SAML add-ons may not work correctly for some customers • Auth0 Status Page

Update: The fix has been deployed, and the SAML add-on should be working now. Let us know if you are still having trouble with anything!

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