Rule not triggering

Hello, everyone,

I would like to persuade Auth0 to let me send the verification email myself. I have built a rule for this. This rule is enabled.

The rule itself is pretty much the same as described in the example. For testing I would like to make a request against pipedream. Code:

function (user, context, callback) {
  const request = require('request');

  user.user_metadata = user.user_metadata || {};
  if (user.email_verified || user.user_metadata.verification_email_sent) {
    return callback(null, user, context);
    url: 'https://******************',
    json: {
      user: user,
      context: context,
      secretToken: configuration.MY_SECRET_TOKEN,
    timeout: 5000
  }, function(err, response, body){
    if (err)
      return callback(new Error(err));

    // Email sent flag persisted in the user's profile.
    user.user_metadata.verification_email_sent = true;
    auth0.users.updateUserMetadata(user.user_id, user.user_metadata)
      .then(function() {
        callback(null, user, context);
      .catch(function(err) {
    return callback(null, user, context);

Additionally I have set the status slider in the email templates to Disabled, as described in the docs Customize Email Handling.

My code to create the user looks like this:

    await this.authenticationClient.database.signUp({
      connection: process.env.AUTH0_CONNECTION,
      password: user.password,
      email_verified: false

When I manually trigger the rule in the web interface, I can see the call in Pipedream. At the SignUp itself I don’t get a call.

Can anyone help me?

Use the realtime webtask logs extension, and put some console.logs in your rule to figure out what is going on.



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