Render json type application metadata value in Page templates

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Hello, I have an application with metadata key “test” and value {“title”:“New here?”} and i am trying to render the title value inside a Page template. I have tried belo code but this doesn’t work.

  <body class="_widget-auto-layout">
    {%- auth0:widget -%}
    {% assign foo = application.metadata.test | json %}
    {% assign bar = foo.title %}
    {{ bar}}

I have also tried {% assign foo = application.metadata.test.title | json %} and {% assign bar = foo.title | json %} but nothing works.


Hi @ruchika.kumar

Welcome back to the Auth0 Community!

I would recommend to review this documentation about Application Metadata.

The application metadata set would be accessed as client.metadata, in your case it would be client.metadata.test.

Let me know if that helps you solve the issue!

Kind Regards,

Hi @nik.baleca,
Thanks for your response. I am following these docs

I also tried your recommendation but that doesn’t work… If you see in the screenshot, I get the values using application.metadata but not client.metadata.
I would like to further render the value of application.metadata.test (type json) in my Page template which I am struggling with.


Hi @ruchika.kumar

Unfortunately, application metadata (or client metadata) value cannot contain child attributes or have values under JSON format, unlike app_metadata or user_metadata. Even when updating the client metadata using the Management API, the outcome will be an error 400 since the expected format is String not JSON.
I would advise you to visit our Feedback page and post regarding implementing this feature.

Kind Regads,