Removing 'Don't have an account? Sign up' from New Universal Login

Hey, I want to remove the sign up completely from my universal login form and I have tried to find related threads to do this. It seems that some of the threads are outdated so trying to find an option to turn this feature off.

I just want to know if it is possible to do this? And if so, where do I navigate to?

Appreciate the support.


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Hi @jacobmarsay,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

You can remove sign-ups from your Universal Login by disabling them in your Connections.

To do this, navigate to your Auth0 Dashboard > Authentication > Database > YOUR_CONNECTION, scroll to the bottom, and toggle on the Disable Sign Ups button.

Once done, your New Universal Login Page will hide the signup option.

Let me know if you have any further questions.


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Hi Ruben,

Do I need a subscription or something?

I don’t see connections anywhere on the dashboard.

I have done a search for connections and it brings up my social connections but doesn’t give me an option to turn off sign ups

Hi @jacobmarsay,

Thanks for the reply.

You do not need a subscription to disable signups within your Connection settings.

I’ve corrected my typo in my previous post, you should navigate to your Auth0 Dashboard > Authentication > Database > YOUR_CONNECTION .

If you are using Social Connections, there is no way to disable sign ups. I suggest reading this related post which explains it really well: How to disable sign up via social login? - #2 by nicolas_sabena

Let me know if you have further questions or need assistance.


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