Hi, Regarding the reset password, we were using the ‘url’ which is in the verification email template for reset password. In our case we allow user to create with or without password. So in the verification email template we have checked if the password is set and change the ‘url’ accordingly. This was working fine before. Now this scenario is not working.Can anybody help us ?
Verification email template
{% if user.user_metadata.password_set == 1 %} Verify Account
{% else %} Set your password
{% endif %}
On current case verification works fine but reset causing some error page saying unauthorized…
I’m definitely not an expert with the email templates … what you have there looks ok to me. Typically a 401 means your token / session is not valid, or not valid for the API endpoint you are trying to call. I would suggest collecting a HAR file and either posting it here or opening a support ticket to have it looked at.